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Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University, Sept 2018–present.
Associate Dean of Public Affairs and Communications, Seoul National University, Feb 2019–present.
Vice President, Korean Party Studies Association, 2017 and 2019–present.
Director of Academic Affairs, Korean Political Science Association, 2019.
Advisor, Korean Survey Research Standards Committee, Korean National Election Commission, 2016–present.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Texas, Austin, Fall 2018.
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University, Sept 2013–Aug 2018.
Secretary of Research, Korean Political Science Association, 2016 and 2018.
Secretary of Research, Korean Association for Survey Researches, 2017–present.
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University, Jul 2015 – Feb2017.
Associate Director, American Studies Institute, Seoul National University, Feb 2013 – Feb 2015.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University, Sept 2010–Aug 2013.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Florida, Aug 2005 – Aug 2010.
Visiting Professor, Department of Public Adminstration, Korea University, Aug 2009–Aug 2010.
Ph.D. in Political Science. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2008.
M.A. and B.A. in Political Science. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 1997.
[In Korean] Analyzing the 2017 Presidential Eleciton in South Korea. Paju: Nanam. 2019. With co-editors Won-taek Kang and Seok Ho Kim.
[In Korean] Coexistence and Sustainability: How Technology Changes Human Future. Seoul: Minumsa. 2019. With co-authors Jung Dong Lee et al.
“The Effect of Incumbency in National and Local Elections: Evidence from South Korea.” With Woo Chang Kang and B. K. Song. Electoral Studies 56: 47–60. 2018.
“International Contributions to Nicaraguan Democracy: The Role of Foreign Municipal Donations for Social Development.” With Leslie E. Anderson, Foreign Policy Analysis 14(2): 276-297. April 2018.
[In Korean] Retrospecting Changes in Korean Society. Seoul: Zininzin. With co-authors Hyunjin Lim et al. January 2018.
[In Korean] “Legislators’ Incentive to Revise the Rules of Procedure: An Analysis of Roll Call Votes in the 19th Korean National Assembly.” With Bong Sang Koo. Korean Party Studies Review 17(2): 121–47. 2018.
[InKorean]“Who Would Amend the Procedural Rules in the Legislature, and Why? An Analysis of Legislators’ Motivations to Propose Amendments of the National Assembly Law in the 19th Korean National Assembly.” With Bong Sang Koo. Korean Journal of Legislative Studies 54: 68–99. 2018.
“Electoral Competition and Democratic Decline in Nicaragua: Uncovering an Electorally Viable Platform for the Right.” With Leslie E. Anderson and Lawrence C. Dodd, Democratization 24(6) : 970–86, 2017.
[In Korean] The Future and Challenge of Korean Democracy. Seoul: Hanwool Academy. October 2017. Coauthored with Wontaek Kang et al.
[In Korean] Does Political Money Translate into Political Support?: Resource Allocation of the Korean 19th National Assemblymen and Constituency Support. With Hanna Kim, Journal of Parliamentary Researches 11(2): 117–43. 2016.
[In Korean] “Partisan Trading in an Election Prediction Market: A Report on the 2012 Presidential Election Stock Market.” With Namun Cho, TK Ahn, and Kyu S. Han. Journal of Korean Political Studies 25(3): 197-223. December 2016.
[In Korean] “Ideology and Policy Positions of the Candidates and the Elects in the 20th Korean National Assembly Election.” With Yun Hee Park et al. Korean Journal of Legislative Studies 22(3): 117–58. October 2016.
[In Korean] “The Network of Treaties: How Asian Countries Are Linked.” Hyunjin Lim ed., Asia, Interconnected. Seoul: Zininzin. October 2016.
[In Korean] “Success Factors in the 20th National Assembly Election in South Korea: Primary Bonus vs. Incumbent Advantage.” With Hanna Kim, The 21st Century Political Science Review 26(2):51-73. August 2016.
[In Korean] “Issue Competition and Valence Voting Model: The 2014 Seoul Mayoral Election.” With Jinmi Song, Party Studies 15(1): 29-61. March 2016.
[In Korean] Between Public Interest and Personal Interest: Survey Experiment on the Local Context of Political Issues and Policy Preferences.” With Hwayong Shin and TK Ahn. Korean Political Science Review 49(4): 301–33. December 2015.
“Understanding Politics vs. Feeling Confident about It.” With Jong-Heum Chung, Peace Studies 23(2): 249–83. 5. October 2015.
“Ecological Inference under Unfavorable Conditions: Straight and Split-Ticket Voting in Diverse Settings and Small Samples.” With Michael J. Hanmer and Daniel Biggers. Electoral Studies 36: 192–203. December 2014.
[In Korean] Political lssues for Debate in American Society. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, May 2014. Co-authors Hyunjin Seo et al.
[In Korean] “Issue Ownership and Party Identification: The 2012 Korean Presidential Election” With Jinmi Song, Party Studies 13(1): 5-31. March 2014.
[In Korean] “Emotional Underpinnings of Partisanship: The Sewol Ferry Incident and the 2014 Korean Local Election.” With Hwayong Shin, Korean Political Science Review 48(5): 119-142. 2014.
[In Korean] “A Preface to Ecological Inference: New Hopes in Old Alchemy.” Peace Studies 21(2): 395-426. October 2013.
[In Korean] “Framing the Issue of Economic Democracy during the 18th Presidential Election: A Survey Experiment.” With TK Ahn and Kyu S Hahn, Journal of Korean Politics Vol. 22 No. 1. February 2013.
[In Korean] “Reconstructing Partisan Identification.” In Chanwook Park et al. eds., Analyzing the 2012 Presidential Election in South Korea. Paju: Nanam. 2013.
“Conditional Pocketbook Voting and Clarity of Responsibility in Korea.” With Jae-in Choi, Korean Political Science Review 46(6): 85–107. December 2012.
“Preference Heterogeneity, Electoral Rules, and Party Systems.” Peace Studies 20(2): 503–532. October 2012.
[In Korean] “Political Recruitment: The Openness and Health of the Political System.” In Sangyoung Ryu et al. eds., Navigating Korea: Policy Options for Today and Tomorrow. Seoul: East Asia Foundation. 2012.
[In Korean] “Political Ideology, Policy Preference, and Candidate Choice of Korean Voters.” In Chanwook Park et al. eds., Analyzing the 2012 National Assembly Election in South Korea. Paju: Nanam. 2012.
[In Korean] “The Evolution of Generation Gap: Demise of the ‘386Generation’ and the Rise of the 30s.” In Chanwook Park et al. eds., Korean Voters’ Choice: 2012 General Election. Seoul: The Asan Institute of Policy Studies. 2012.
[In Korean] “Do Parties Still Matter?: Independent Voters in Korean Elections.” With Jungmin Song. Journal of Korean Political Studies Vol. 21 No. 2: 113-143. June 2012.
“Losing Fewer Votes: The Impact of Changing Voting Systems on Residual Votes.” With Michael Hanmer et al. Political Research Quarterly Vol. 63 No. 1: 129-142. March 2010.
[In Korean] “Fluctuation of Real-Estate Values and Korean Elections in the 2000s,” Journal of Korean Political Studies Vol. 18 No. 3. October 2009.
“Good Excuses: Understanding Who Votes with an Improved Turnout Question.” With Brian Duff, Michael Hanmer and Ismail White. Public Opinion Quarterly 71: 67–90. Spring 2007.
Selected Presentations
“Where Persuasion Starts: A Survey Experimenton ‘Half-Tuition Issue’ in 2014 Korean Local Election.” With Jinmi Song at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, January 2019.
“The Collapse of Korean Conservatism around the Impeachment,” The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society, Seoul Korea, June 2017.
“Active But Not Voting: Unequal Participation in Korea,”International Political Science Association 24th World Congress, Poznan, Poland, July 2016.
“Election Studies and Experimental Approach,” Special Conference on Research Methods Section of the Korean Political Science Association, Feb. 27, 2015.
“The Emotional Underpinnings of Political Preferences: What the Sewol Perry Incident Left to the Voters,” The Korean Political Science Association Annual Conference, August 19, 2014.
“The Shift in Generational Effect in Korean Elections.” The Korean Association of Survey Researches Summer Conference, May 31, 2013.
“The Independents Speaks in the 18th Presidential Election in Korea.” The Korean Association of Party Studies Spring Conference. Seoul, March 29, 2013.
“Media Coverage of the Presidential Elections.” The Korean National Elections Commission Post-election Evaluation. Seoul, January 25, 2013.
“The Korean Independents and the Presidential Election.” The Korean Association of Political Information Fall Conference. Seoul, November 19, 2012.
“International Contributions to Nicaraguan Democracy: The Role of Foreign Municipal Donations for Social Development.” American Political Science Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, August 31, 2012.
“Do Parties Still Matter?” The Korean Political Science Association Summer Conference. Seoul, June 7, 2012.
“Political Efficacy and Unconventional Participation.” World Congress for Korean Politics and Society, Incheon, August 25, 2011.
“Preference Heterogeneity, Electoral Rules, and Party Systems: Theoretical Suggestions for Empirical Implications” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, April 1, 2011.
“The Value of Nomination and Party Labels in Korean Elections.” Taiwan Chengchi University Conference, Taiwan, July 2011.
VTRSUR: Seemingly Unrelated Regression for Multiple-Party Voter Transition Rates. Stata Module.
VTR: A Software Package to Estimate Voter Transition Rates Using Nonlinear Specifications. Stata and Matlab versions available.
Grants, Awards, and Honors
The Ministry of Education Social Science Korea Grant (SSK), “The Dynamics of Conflict and Integration in Korean Society,” 2011–present.
Presidential Committee on Policy Planning, “Deliberative Polling on Revising the Constitution.” 2018.
Unification Perception Survey Grant, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University. 2019.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Research Grant. “Public Participation in Foreign Policy Making.” 2019.
Seoul National University Inter-Disciplinary Research Award. “Developing Statistical Front-end for Social Scientists.” 2017.
Korean National Research Foundation Grant for Basic Researches in Humanities and Social Sciences. “What Good Governments Are Made of: Measuring and Untangling the Quality of Government Using Lab, Survey and Field Experiment.” 2015–2017.
Korean National Assembly Research Services Grant. “How to Evaluate Administrative Services of the National Assembly.” 2016.
Korean National Research Foundation Grant for Basic Researches in Humanities and Social Sciences. “The Social Network of Political Communication: Investigating the Structure and Electoral Impact of Social Networking Services Using Experiments, Panel Surveys, and Data Mining Methods,” 2012–2013.
The Ministry of Unification Research Grant for Future and Unication Policy, “Unification in the Post-Nationalism Era: Conflicts within South Korean Voters,”2011–2012.
Harold Gosnell Prize. American Political Science Association Methodology Section. For the best methodology paper presented at a conference between August 2002 and July 2003.
American National Election Studies Research Award. The American National Election Studies, Center for Political Studies. 2003–2004.
Internationalizing the Curriculum Awards, Transnational and Globalization Center, University of Florida, 2006.
Collaborative Research Awards (with Daniel A. Cicenia). University of Florida, 2007. Project Title: “Preference Heterogeneity, Electoral Rules, and Party Systems: A Cross-National Study.”
Horace Rackham Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship. Spring 2004.
Fulbright Graduate Degree Study Awards. Institute for International Education. 1997–2002.
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. The Rotary International. 1997.
Courses Taught
Seoul National University (2009–2019)
Graduate Level
Scope and Methods in Political Science; Advanced Topics in Quantitative Analysis in Political Science; Voting Behavior in Korean Elections
Undergraduate Level
Scope and Methods in Political Science; American Politics; Korean Political History; Introduction to Korean Politics
University of Florida (2005–2009)
Graduate Level
Linear Models; Maximum Likelihood Theory.
Undergraduate Level
Politics of East Asian Countries; Politics of South and North Koreas.
University of Michigan (2000–2004) as Graduate Student Instructor
Graduate Level
Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning and Formal Models; Computational Approaches to Statistical Methods; Math for Political Scientists.
Undergraduate Level
Public Opinion, Participation, and Pressure Groups; Political Dynamics; Public Policy; Political Parties.
Professional Activities
Op-ed Writer for the Joongang Daily (2016–present) and Kyunghyang Shinmun (2015–2017).
Advising work for the Korean National Election Comission regarding electoral survey regulations, 2016–present.
Advising work for the Seoul Metropolitan Government on Human Resources Affairs, 2017–present.
Member of the Inspection Committee, the Korean National Commission for Deliberative Polling on Shingori Nuclear Power Plant, 2017.
Annual Meeting Program Chair, the Korean Political Science Association Annual Conference, 2016.
Academic Director, The 2015 World Congress of Korean Politics, 8/25-8/27, 2015.
Selection Committee, the Society for Political Methodology Poster Award, 2007–2010.
Manuscript Reviewer
Korean Political Science Review; Korean Party Studies Review; American Political Science Review; Journal of Politics; Comparative Political Studies; Political Analysis; Public Opinion Quarterly; Political Research Quarterly.
Korean Political Science Association; Korean Association of Party Studies; American Political Science Association; Society for Political Methodology; Midwest Political Science Association; Southern Political Science Association; Association of Korean Political Studies.