
직위 교수
전공분야 공공선택이론, 실험사회과학,집합행동, 제도주의
Office 사회과학대학 412호
Office Phone +82-2-880-6338
Email tkahn@snu.ac.kr

Areas of Interest:

Public Choice, Experimental Social Science, Collective Action, Institutionalism (공공선택이론, 실험사회과학, 집 합행동, 제도주의)


March 2013 – Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University

September 2010 – Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University

March 2008 – Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Korea University

March 2006 – Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Korea University

August 2003 – : Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Florida State University

July, 2002 – June, 2003: Research Associate, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University

July 2001 – June, 2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University


Ph. D., Political Science, 2001, Indiana University

M.A., Political Science, 1994, Seoul National University

B.A., Political Science, 1990, Seoul National University


Journal Articles:

Ahn, T.K., Loukas Balafoutas, Mongoljin Batsaikhan, Francisco Campos-Ortiz, Louis Putterman, and Matthias Sutter. 2018. “Trust and communication in a property rights dilemma.” Journal of Public Economics. 149: 413-433.

Ahn, T.K., Loukas Balafoutas, Mongoljin Batsaikhan, Francisco Campos-Ortiz, Louis Putterman, and Matthias Sutter. 2016. “Securing property rights: A dilemma experiment in Austria, Mexico, Mongolia, South Korea and the United States.” Journal of Public Economics. 143: 115-124.

조남운, 박원호, 한규섭, 안도경. 2016. “선거예측시장에서의 당파적 거래: 2012 대선 주식시장에 대한 보고.” 한국정치연구 25(3): 197-223.

박원호, 신화용, 안도경. 2015. “공익과 사익의 경계에서: 이슈의 지역화와 정책선호에 관한 실험설문.” 한국정치학회보 49(4): 301-334.

Ahn, T.K. and J.B. Ryan. 2015. “The Overvaluing of Expertise in Discussion Partner Choice.” Journal of Theoretical Politics. 27(3): 380-400.

안도경. 2014. “정치학과 실험.” 평화연구 22(2): 326-359.

Ahn, T.K., R. Huckfeldt, A. Mayer, and J.B. Ryan. 2013. “Expertise and Bias in Political Communication Networks.” American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 357-373.

J.K. Choi and T.K. Ahn. 2013. “Strategic Reward and Altruistic Punishment Support Cooperation in a Public Goods Game Experiment.” Journal of Economic Psychology 35: 17-30.

박원호.안도경.한규섭. 2013. “18대 대통령선거의 경제민주화 쟁점에 대한 실험 설문: 프레이밍 효과를 중심으로.” 한국정치연구 12(1): 1- 28.

안도경. 2012. “ 합리적 선택과 진화.” 대동철학 59: 101~112.

박규동.안도경. 2012. “사회적 자본과 한국 지방선거에서의 표 매매.” 정부학 연구 18(1): 23-53.

안도경. 2012. “공공선택의 관점에서 본 정부와 제도.” 제도와 경제 6(1): 15-20.

안도경. 2011. “시장-정부 이분법에 대한 비판적 검토: R.H. Coase 와 E. Ostrom의 제도 연구 방법을 중심으로. 정부학 연구 17(1): 35-56.

Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2011. “Rent-Seeking in Groups.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 29(1): 116-125.

Ahn, T.K., Robert Huckfeldt, and John B. Ryan. 2010. “Communication, Influences, and Information Asymmetry among Voters.” Political Psychology 31(5): 763-787.

Ahn, T.K., Elinor Ostrom, and James Walker. 2010. “A Common-pool Resource Experiment with Postgraduate Subjects from 41 Countries.” Ecological Economics 69: 2624-2633.

Ahn, T.K., and Rick Wilson. 2010. “Elinor Ostrom’s Contributions to the Experimental Study of Social Dilemmas.”Public Choice 143: 327-333.

Ahn, T.K., Justin Esarey and John Scholz. 2009. “Reputation and Cooperation in Voluntary Exchanges: Comparing Local and Centralized Institutions.” Journal of Politics 71(2) : 398-413

Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2009. “Coming and Going: Experiments on Endogenous Group Sizes for Excludable Public Goods.” Journal of Public Economics 93: 336-351

Ahn, T.K., Mark Isaac, and Tim Salmon. 2008. “Endogenous Group Formation.” Journal of Public Economic Theory 10(2): 171-194.

Ahn, T.K., and Justin Esarey. 2008. “A Dynamic Model of Generalized Social Trust.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 20(2): 151-180.

Ahn, T.K. 2007. “Evolution of Preferences in One-Shot Prisoner’s Dilemma.” Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics 18(4): 1-29.

Ahn, T.K., M.S. Lee, L. Rutan, and J. Walker. 2007. “Asymmetric Payoffs in Simultaneous and Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma Games.” Public Choice 132: 353-366.

Janssen, Marco, and T.K. Ahn. 2006. “Learning, Signaling, and Social Preferences in Public Good Games.” Ecology and Society 11(2): 21

Ahn, T.K., Elinor Ostrom, and James Walker. 2003. “Heterogeneous Preferences and Collective Action.” Public Choice 117: 295-314.

Ostrom, Elinor, and T.K. Ahn. 2003. “A Social Science Perspective on Social Capital: Social Capital and Collective Acton.” Revista Mexicana de Sociología LXV (1): 155-233.

Lee, K.Y., J.H. Kim, and T.K. Ahn. 2002. “The Conflict over Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing Practices in Korea: A Bargaining Perspective.” Korean Journal of Public Health and Administration 12(4).

Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, D. Schmidt, R. Shupp, and J. Walker. 2001. “Cooperation in PD Games: Fear, Greed, and History of Play.” Public Choice 106(1/2):137-155.

Schmidt, D., R. Shupp, J. Walker, T.K. Ahn, and Elinor Ostrom. 2001. “Dilemma Games: Game Parameters and Matching Protocols.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 46:357-377.

Gibson, Clark, Elinor Ostrom, and T.K. Ahn. 2000. “The Concept of Scale and the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change.” Ecological Economics 32: 217-239.


Ahn, T.K., Robert Huckfeldt, and John B. Ryan. 2014. Experts, Activists, and Democratic Politics: Are Electorates Self-Educating? Cambridge University Press.

Ostrom, Elinor, and T.K. Ahn. (eds.) 2003. Foundations of Social Capital. London: Edward Elgar.


전인권, 안도경 (역). 1997. 민주주의의 경제학 이론 (Anthony Downs. An Economic Theory of Democracy). 나남출판사.

윤홍근, 안도경 (역). 2010. 공유의 비극을 넘어: 공유자원관리를 위한 제도의 진화 (Elinor Ostrom. 1990. Governing the Commons: Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action). 랜덤하우스코리아.

Book Chapters:

서울대 국제문제연구소 엮음. 2019. 미래국가론: 정치외교학적 성찰. 사회평론아카데미.

서울대학교 정치외교학부 정치학 전공 교수진. 2019. 정치학의 이해. 박영사.

김의영, 구양미, 권헌익, 안도경, 안상훈, 이옥연, 이준웅, 최인철, 한신갑. 2016. 사회적경제의 혼종성과 다양성. 푸른길.

Ahn, T.K., R. Huckfeldt, J.B. Ryan, and A. Mayer. 2010. “Politics, Expertise and Interdependence within Electorates.” In The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. Ed. Jan E. Leighley. Oxford University Press, pp. 278-299.

Elinor Ostrom and T.K. Ahn. 2009. “The Meaning of Social Capital and Its Link to Collective Action.” In Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics. Eds. Gert Tinggaard Svendsen. Edward Elgar.

Ahn, T.K., and Elinor Ostrom. 2008. “Social Capital and Collective Action.” In The Handbook of Social Capital, Eds. Dario Castiglione, Jan van Deth and Guglielmo Wolleb. Oxford University Press.

Cardenas, Juan-Camilo, T.K. Ahn, and Elinor Ostrom. 2004. “Communication and Cooperation in a Common-Pool Resources Dilemma: A Field Experiment.” In Advances in Understanding Strategic Behavior: Game Theory, Experiments and Bounded Rationality, ed. Steffen Huck, 258-285. New York: Palgrave.

Ahn, T.K., Marco A. Janssen, and Elinor Ostrom. 2004. “Signals, Symbols, and Human Cooperation.” In Origins and Nature of Sociality, ed. Robert W. Sussman and Audrey R. Chapman, 122-139. Chicago: Aldine de Gruyter.

Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, D. Schmidt, and J. Walker. 2003. “Trust in Two Person Games: Game Structure and Linkage.” In Trust and Reciprocity: Interdisciplinary Lessons for Experimental Research, ed. Elinor Ostrom and James Walker, 323-351. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Ahn, T.K., David Chavalarias, and Alina Lazar. 2003. “Endogenous Network Formation and the Evolution of Preferences,” In Proceedings of the Agent 2002 Conference on Social Agents: Ecology, Exchange, and Evolution, ed. Charles Macal and David Sallach, 83-94. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory.

Classes Taught


Game Theory (Indiana University, FSU, Korea U.)

Advanced Game Theory (FSU)

Empirical Implications of Formal Models (FSU)

Public Choice (SNU. Korea U.)

Public Policy Analysis (SNU)

Organizational Economics (Korea U.)

Organization Theory (Korea U.)


Political Science Research (FSU)

ntroduction to Political Science (SNU)

Public Policy Analysis (FSU)

Welfare Policy (FSU)

Public Choice (SNU. Korea U.)

Game Theory and Politics (SNU)

Principles of Political Science (SNU)

Bureaucracy and Governance (Korea U.)

Organization Theory (Korea U.)

Organization Seminar (Korea U.)

Grants Received (Selected):

Principal Investigator. 2012-2014. “Institutional Design for Overcoming Collective Action Dilemmas: A Study of Self-governing Fisheries in Korea.” Asan Foundation. ?50,000,000. (Co-PI’s: H.K. Yune and J.K. Choi).

Principal Investigator. 2012-2014. “The Social Network of Political Communication: Investigating the Structure and Electoral Impact of Social Networking Services Using Experiments, Panel Surveys, and Data Mining Methods.” Korea Research Foundation. ?190,400,000. (Co-PI’s: Won-ho Park and Kyu-Sup Hahn).

Co-Principal Investigator. “Distributive Justice and Behavioral Economics.” Korea Research Foundation. 2010-2013. (PI, Biung-Ghi Ju )

Co-Principal Investigator. “Social Networks and Co-evolution of Norms and Institutions.” Korea Research Foundation. 2008-2010. (PI, Jeong-Yoo Kim)

Co-Principal Investigator. “Information or Credibility? Policy Networks and the Evolution of Cooperation,” National Science Foundation, $415,465. 2005-2008. (with John Scholz (PI)).

Co-Principal Investigator. “An Experimental Investigation of Endogenous Group Formation for Public-Good Provision and Risk-Sharing,” National Science Foundation, $415,875. 2005-2008. (with Mark Isaac (PI), Kislaya Prasad, and Tim Salmon)

Co-Principal Investigator. “Testing Theoretical Models of Individual Behavior in Dynamic Social Dilemma Situations,” National Science Foundation, $24,387. 2002-2003. (with Elinor Ostrom (PI) and Joe Oppenheimer.)