
"A place for the education of talents with critical thinking and analytical skills in political phenomena in the world society"

Thank you for visiting the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, School of Social Sciences, Seoul National University.

Kang Won-taek has been in charge of the Department of Political science and Diploma science since September 1, 2020.

The Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy at Seoul National University was launched in 2010 with the integration of political science and diplomacy. In response to the rapidly changing era of globalization, the Faculty seeks to contribute to the nation and human society by educating the theory and the real world of political science/international politics and conducting research on key areas.

With the rise of various actors and transnational issues on the domestic and international stage today, the need for professionals to analyze and view the dynamics of domestic politics and international relations is increasing. We need more people than ever with the ability and vision to mediate conflicts and come up with better solutions.

In response to these expectations, the Faculty will develop talents who can appropriately analyze critical thinking and various political and social phenomena about the world society in which we live.

We would like to ask for your continued support and consideration so that the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy can develop further. Thank you.

Mr. 康, Department of Political 拜