직위 | 교수 |
전공분야 | 국제정치경제, 방법론 |
Office | 사회과학대학 310호 |
Office Phone | +82-2-880-6793 |
jongheepark@snu.ac.kr | |
Website | http://jhp.snu.ac.kr/ |
• 서강대학교 정치외교학과 학사
• 서울대학교 외교학석사
• 미국 워싱턴대학교 (Washington University in St. Louis) 정치학박사
2018 ∼ Present, Director of IR Data Center, Seoul National University
2017 ∼ Present, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations,
Seoul National University
2012 ∼ 2017, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations,
Seoul National University
2007 ∼ 2012, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago
2008 ∼ 2012, Instructor, Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, ICPSR
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Journal Publications in English
17. Jong Hee Park and Byung Koo Kim. 2020. “Why Your Neighbor Matters: Positions in Preferential Trade Agreement Networks and Export Growth in Global Value Chains” Economics& Politics. Forthcoming.
16. Jong Hee Park and Yunkyu Sohn. 2020. “Detecting Structural Changes in Longitudinal Network Data” Bayesian Analysis. Vol. 15, No. 1, pp.133-157
15. Sangguk Lee and Jong Hee Park. 2019. “Quality Over Quantity A Lineage-Survival Strategy of Elite Families in Pre-Modern Korea” Social Science History. Vol. 43, No.1, pp. 31-61.
14. Jong Hee Park. 2018. “When Does Politics Stop at the Water’s Edge?: Congress, President, and the Use of Military Force Abroad, 1945 – 2000” Peace Study. 26(1), 481-525.
13. Yunkyu Sohn and Jong Hee Park. 2017. “Bayesian Approach to Multilayer Stochastic Block Model and Network Changepoint Detection” Network Science. Vol. 5. No. 2. pp. 164-186.
12. Kyu Won Lee and Jong Hee Park. 2016. “Does Economic Dependence on China Affect African Countries Human Rights Voting in the UN?: Evidence from the UNGA Voting Data, 1992- 2014” New Asia. Vol. 23, No. 3. pp. 71-103.
11. Jong Hee Park, BK Kim, and Yumi Park. 2015. “Why Doesnt Asia Have European�Style Regional Integration? Inter-Core Relationships and Network Diffusion” Korean Journal of International Studies, Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 147-180.
10. Jong Hee Park and Nathan Jensen. 2014. “Partisan Politics and Dynamics in the U.S. Agriculture Protection.” Korean Journal of International Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 225-254.
9. Jong Hee Park and Kentaro Hirose. 2013. “Domestic Politics, Reputational Sanctions, and International Compliance.” International Theory, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 300-320.
8. Jong Hee Park. 2012. “What Determines the Specificity of Subsidy?” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 413-426.
7. Jong Hee Park. 2012. “A Unified Method for Dynamic and Cross-Sectional Heterogeneity: Introducing Hidden Markov Panel Models” American Journal of Political Science. Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 1040-1054.
6. Jong Hee Park. 2011. “Bayesian Time Series Models in MCMCpack” The ISBA Bulletin. Vol. 18, No. 2.
5. Jong Hee Park. 2011. “Changepoint Models for Binary and Ordinal Probit Models: An Application to Bank Rate Policy in the Interwar Period”, Political Analysis, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.188–204.
4. Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn and Jong Hee Park. 2011. “MCMCpack: Markov chain Monte Carlo in R.” Journal of Statistical Software. Vol.42, No.9.
3. Jong Hee Park. 2010. “Structural Change in the U.S. Presidents’ Use of Force Abroad.” American Journal of Political Science. Vol.54, No.3. pp. 766-782.
2. Nathan M. Jensen and Jong Hee Park. 2008. “Where’s the Beef? The Political Economy of US Agriculture Policy.” The Political Economist. Vol. X, No. 2.
1. Jong Hee Park and Nathan M. Jensen. 2007. “Electoral Competition and Agricultural Support in OECD Countries.”American Journal of Political Science. Vol. 51, No. 2. pp. 314-329.
Book Chapters in English
Jong Hee Park and Sooahn Shin. 2020. “Bayesian Inference in Political Science” in The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations. SAGE Publications. Forthcoming.
Jong Hee Park. 2011. “Modeling Preference Changes via a Hidden Markov Item Response Theory Model,” In Steve Brooks, Andrew Gelman, Galin Jones and Xiao-Li Meng, eds., Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Journal Publications in Korean
Jong Hee Park. 2016. “A New Perspective on Network Analysis in International Relations: Brokerage Power and the Evolution of Alliance Networks, 1816-2012” The Korean Journal of International Relationship, Vol. 56, No.2.
Jong Hee Park. 2016. “Estimation of Partisan Slants in South Korean News Agencies Using News Reports on the Sewol Ferry Disaster” Koran Political Science Review Vol. 50, No.1. pp. 239-269.
Jong Hee Park, Eunjeong Park, and Dong-Joon Jo. 2015. “Automated Text Analysis of North Korean New Year Addresses, 1946-2015” Koran Political Science Review Vol. 49, No.2, pp. 27-61.
Jong Hee Park. 2014. “Internationalization of Domestic Politics and Politicization of International Politics” New Asia Vol. 21, No.2, pp. 13-32.
Jong Hee Park. 2014. “Data, Model, and Election Prediction: Can We Predict Presidential Election Outcomes Using Poll Data?” Telecommunications Review Vol. 24. No. 3. pp. 327-338.
Jong Hee Park. 2014. “What is Bayesian Social Science Methodology?” Peace Study Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 481- 529.
Jong Hee Park. 2013. “The American Inequality and Top Income Shares” Peace Study Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 5 – 46.
Jong Hee Park. 2013. “House Bias in the 2012 Presidential Campaign Polls in South Korea” Survey Study Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 1-30.
Jong Hee Park. 2011. “A Hidden Relationship Between U.S. Presidential Elections and the Decisions to Use Force Abroad” Korea and World Politics Vol. 75. pp.159-185.
Book Chapters in Korean
Jong Hee Park. Forthcoming. “Anglo-American Relationships in Finance During the Early 20th Century: Cooperation and Rivalry” Chung Jae-Ho ed. Peaceful Power Transition in Historical Perspective.
Jong Hee Park. 2015. “North Korea in Alliance, Trade, and Aid Network” Yoon Young-Gwan, Chun Jaesung, and Kim Sangbae eds., North Korea in Network. Seoul: Nulpoom Press.
Jong Hee Park. 2013. “Progressives, Conservatives, and Unification” in Yoon Young-Gwan ed., Korean Unification: Diverse Approaches and Diverse Preparations. Seoul: Nulpoom Press.
Jong Hee Park. 2013. “Trade and Public Diplomacy” in Kim Sang Bae ed., Public Diplomacy of Middle Powers. Sahoi Pyungron.
Book Publications in Korean
Jong Hee Park. ed. 2016. World Politics of Development and Cooperation. (Korean) Seoul: Sahoipyungron.
Hyuk-Sang Sohn, TK Ahn, and Jong Hee Park. 2013. Strategies for Multilateral Aid in OECD DAC Countries. (Korean) Seoul: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.